Letters "E" and "F" ready for preview!
Sunday Funday! A colleague questioned my generosity in releasing the FREE downloads from my upcoming Volume 2: A Ballet Alphabet. I...

Check another thing off your list!
In the past weeks I've enjoyed designing for dance studios around the country. I love doing work for dance studios. I imagine the...
COUNTDOWN TO RECITAL! Count on me for your design needs!
If you are a dance teacher, like me, you know the feeling when the recital seems just around the corner... costumes are coming in, music...
Dance Dreams Ballet Alphabet!
Happy New Year Dance Dreamers! As you may know, besides being an artist, I am also a dance teacher. This year, my schedule includes a...

Cyber Monday - Free Shipping!
Hello Dance Dreamers! I have a few prints available in my Etsy Shop - and I'm offering FREE Shipping for the month of December - PLUS...a...
I'm STILL Kickin' and Dreaming!
Thanks to all of you for purchasing the Dance Dreams Coloring Book - I hope to get volume two out by Christmas! I'm fairly certain the...

Happy Birthday
Dance Dreams Coloring Book celebrated it's 2nd birthday! Almost a thousand books later! Thank you to everyone who has purchased a book...

Oh, the possibilities waiting in a new box of pencils!
Over the years I've "collected" teacups with painted violets, carved cat figurines, alabaster eggs, dollhouse furniture, art books, and...
Still dancing and dreaming...
Hey Dance Dreamers - been away from the site for a bit. Moving both my living space and studio space, so things have been a bit hectic....

...As seen in "Dance Studio Life" Magazine!
It's fun watching "Dance Dreams" circle the globe! Over 750 books sold to date, and this month, we're featured in Dance Studio Life...